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      回顾英国独立乐团的发展与蓬勃,无可否认成立于1989年、以主唱兼灵魂人物Brett Anderson为主的Suede乐队绝对扮演了举足轻重的角色,主唱妖艳而中性化的嗓音和吉他手华丽极致的吉他独奏,都为当时风起云涌的英伦摇滚平添了许多靓丽的色彩。他们身上流露出强烈的自我依恋的美感,在凄美的英式吉它衬托下的音乐中充满了醉生梦死的城市生活、双性恋言论、暧昧主义者行径与永不衰减的雄心壮志。1993年,山羊皮乐队第一张同名专辑《Suede》发布,随即便成为英国历史上销售速度最快的专辑,在媒体和公众中引起了巨大轰动。乐队的现场演出也掀起了别样的风潮,大胆而神秘、鬼魅而性感、狂妄而宣泄的演出风格散发出了蛊惑人心的魅力,简单刺激地冲击着矫揉造作的低调。可是强烈的企图心、多变的风格及令人难以抗拒的魅力,就像所有的伟大事物一样,美得让人屏息,却又如昙花一现般地短暂。在山羊皮乐队代表作《Dog Man Star》发行前,吉它手 Bernard Butler因为创作理念的差异离开了乐队,也标志着一段辉煌的完结。随着Coldplay等一批新兴乐队的崛起,Suede也失去了英伦霸主的地位,乐队于2003年宣布解散,一个光鲜靓丽的神话也就此结束了。
      Suede (or The London Suede in the United States) were an English rock band of the 1990s and the early 2000s that helped start the Britpop musical movement. Through their several incarnations, they were able to consistently put out albums that charted well, while still holding the respect of critics. Though they never achieved great success in North America, they were considered to be one of the most successful British rock bands of the 90s.[1] In 1993, Suede won the Mercury Prize.


      由 Brett Anderson 、Bernard Butler 、Mat Osman 和 Simon Gilbert 组成的 Suede 乐队开创了90年代的 Brit-pop 革命。他们的英式 indie-rock 音乐在 Brett Anderson 阴阳怪气的唱腔下显得那样的凄美,他们的身上也流露着一种 Self-Style 病态的美。
     Brett Anderson 一个出租车司机的儿子,和他的同班同学 Mat Osman 、Danny Wilder 在1985年组建了 Geoff 乐队。Anderson 担任吉它手,Osman 担任贝司手,Wilder 担任鼓手,不久 Gareth
由 Brett Anderson 、Bernard Butler 、Mat Osman 和 Simon Gilbert 组成的 Suede 乐队开创了90年代的 Brit-pop 革命。他们的英式 indie-rock 音乐在 Brett Anderson 阴阳怪气的唱腔下显得那样的凄美,他们的身上也流露着一种 Self-Style 病态的美。
     Brett Anderson 一个出租车司机的儿子,和他的同班同学 Mat Osman 、Danny Wilder 在1985年组建了 Geoff 乐队。Anderson 担任吉它手,Osman 担任贝司手,Wilder 担任鼓手,不久 Gareth Perry 成为乐队主唱。1986年由于 Anderson 和 Osman 要到 London 上大学,Geoff 只好解散,乐队在此时已录制了两首小样。几年后两人又组建了 Suave & Elegant 乐队,但乐队只维持了几个月。1989年底,两人在新音乐观点杂志上刊登了一条招募吉它手的广告。Bernard Butler 应征加入,三人在用一个鼓机充当鼓手的情况下开始录制自己的音乐,词曲主要由 Anderson 和 Butler 创作。
     1990年在听了 Morrissey 的单曲“Suedehead”后三人将乐队命名为 Suede,并将一盘样带寄给了 GLR 电台的 DJ Gary Crowley,参加在那举行的一个单曲大赛。单曲“Wonderful Sometimes”在榜首停留了五周,为 Suede 赢得了 RML 独立唱片公司的一纸合同。当乐队与RML签约时,Anderson 的女友 Justine Frischmann 以第二吉它手的身份加入 Suede。同年秋天乐队为了发行单曲“Be My God”和“Art”,借来了 Smiths 乐队的鼓手 Mike Joyce,但由于乐队与 RML 发生了巨大的矛盾,Suede 离开了 RML 并放弃了发行单曲。
     1991年 Suede 开始排练和录制小样,终于找到了鼓手 Simon Gilbert。1992年初 Frischmann 离开 Suede 组建了 Elastica 乐队,至今无人填补她留下的空缺。几个月后,Suede 与 Nude 独立唱片公司签约。就在乐队的单曲还未发行时,Suede 已被英国音乐新闻周刊评为“The Best New Band in Britain”。在媒体的大肆炒作之下,Suede 没有迷失自己的方向,Brett Anderson 和 Bernard Butler 起到了领袖的作用,使乐队得以“健康”的发展下去。同时 Suede 在音乐上也受到 David Bowie 的 glam crunch 音乐和 The Smiths 、Anderson 、Butler 的 romantic bed-sit pop 音乐的影响,在他们凄美的英式吉它衬托下的音乐中充满了醉生梦死的城市生活、双性恋言论、暧昧主义者行径与永不衰减的雄心壮志。同年,乐队的第一首单曲“The Drowners”发行了,在英国排行榜上名列49位。“Metal Mickey”在秋天发行,并一举冲上排行榜第17位。
     经过一次短暂的巡演后,1993年春 Suede 的同名处女大碟成功发行,专辑刚刚发行就成为英国历史上销售速度最快的专辑,在媒体和公众中引起了巨大轰动。“Animal Nitrate”也登上排行榜第7位。七月 Suede 已成为英国最受欢迎的乐队,秋天乐队又获得 Mercury 音乐奖——****专辑。一切看上去都在很好的发展,但还有一些问题在困绕着乐队。首先,专辑在登陆美国后同其他想打进美国的英国乐队境况一样儿——倍受冷落;其次,Butler 的父亲在十月去世,使 Butler 情绪低落,乐队也被迫取消了第二次的巡演。
     在录制第二张专辑《Dog Man Star》期间,Butler 和乐队在音乐上的矛盾也越来越激化,这非常糟糕……1994年2月 Butler为纪念他的父亲发行了单曲"Stay Together",乐曲初次打榜就位于第3位。在《Dog Man Star》发行前,Butler 和乐队的矛盾再次激化,终于吉它手 Bernard Butler 离开了乐队,也象征了一个朝代的完结。就在 Bernard Butler 离开后不久,年仅17岁的 Richard Oakes 替代了 Bernard Butler 的空缺,一起为《Dog Man Star》进行宣传活动。
     两年后(1996年9月)乐队鼓手 Simon Gilbert 的表弟 Neil Codling 以键盘手的身份加入 Suede,至此乐队扩展成为五人阵容。Suede 已决定摆脱旧日的枷锁。正是在这时乐队发行了第四张专辑《Coming Up》,这是一张质感较轻盈的唱片,不象以前那样气氛沉重幽暗。此时你从他们身上已看不到昔日带有的 Self-Style 病态的美。“Trash”、“Beautiful Ones”、“Saturday Night”、“Lazy”和“Filmstar”五首歌曲成功打入英国排行榜前10位。
     在1998年 Suede 推出了纪念大碟《Sci-Fi Lullabies》,专辑一共收集了20多首作品,大部分是早期未发表的作品,非常值得收藏。专辑《Coming Up》中已有电子合成的成分,1999年 Suede 放弃了一直合作无间的 Ed Buller 而改由 Steve Osborne 接手唱片监制一职,同年新大碟《Head Music》面市,专辑中夹杂着大量电子合成也不足为奇了。
      Suede 由主唱Brett Anderson、吉他手Richard Oakes、贝斯手Mat Osman、鼓手Simon Gilbert 及键盘手Alex Lee所组成,然而这并非创团之初的成员。Anderson、Osman 生长于距离伦敦四十哩外的 Haywards Heath,早在1989年时这两位多年好友就曾组过乐团。后来他们透过在「NME」杂志上刊登广告的方式,找到前来应征的吉他手 Bernard Butler。三个人先组成了一支没有鼓手,而依靠机器设定来填补鼓点的乐团。又过了一段日子,他们结识了曾经在伦敦 ULU兜售小型演唱表演票卷的鼓手 Gilbert,在相谈甚欢的情况下,三人决定邀Gilbert加入阵容。最后入团的是第二吉他手 Justine Frischmann,乐团至此,终于正式成立,属于该团的故事也才开始。
      Suede 在成军之初,当时的报章杂志、同乡同胞、经纪人、唱片公司都对他们没什么好印象。他们觉得 Suede 的表演乏善可陈,亳无魅力可言,风格走向也极端的无聊。他们的公开演出,票房更是惨不忍睹,并非他们的表演欠缺水准,而是观众的反应并不捧场。他们的音乐不被了解,即使是在发了一张风格奇特的单曲「Be My God / Art」之后,也只是引起短暂的好感罢了,也许这就是他们不受注意的理由。
      1992年起,全球流行乐界掀起了另一股风潮(此时第二吉他手 Justin 已离团)。Suede的现场表演忽然引起广泛的回响,就在他们于 Nude 唱片公司的首张专辑「The Drowners」发行的前一个月(五月),他们登上了「Melody Maker」杂志的封面,并被该杂志评为「大不列颠最棒的新进团体」。纵然这样子的情势逆转充满了神奇色彩,Suede 瞬间成为家喻户晓的乐团却是不争的事实。报章媒体纷纷报导他们是「****胆、神秘、诡谲、性感、热闹、狂妄、流行的乐团;你会发现自己被他们的魅力所蛊惑,完完全全地爱上他们,无可自拔。」在乐团参加了英国最受欢迎的流行音乐电视节目「Top Of The Pops」之后,主唱Brett卓越精致的创作功力和唱功,立刻引来众家乐评的一片叫好声,并为该节目创下收视高锋。此时 Suede的单曲 「Metal Mickey」、「Animal Nitrate」分别攻占全英单曲榜第17及第7名,支持 Suede 的乐迷不断地增加,当他们回到家乡伦敦再次举办演唱会的时候,Brett 的衬衫被极度疯狂的歌迷撕裂三次。这般受欢迎的场面和昔日比较起来,确实有天壤之别。
      1993年3月 Suede 发行同名专辑「Suede」,乐团开始声名大噪,被褒奖为「自从『性手枪 (The Sex Pistols)』的 「Never Mind The Bolloks」专辑之后,最令人延颈企盼的专辑。」这张专辑果然不负众望,各界好评蜂拥而来。专辑唱片销售量更是一举抢攻下冠军宝座,远远超过第二顺位的对手 Depeche Mode合唱团足足有4倍之多。也因此该张专辑成为自从 1984年 Frankie Goes To Hollywood 合唱团的「Welcome To The Pleasure Dome」专辑以来,销售速度最快的专辑:专辑发行后第二天即成为金唱片。随后在该年,最令人兴奋的事,莫过于赢得 1993 的 Mercury 音乐奖了。
      之后到年底之前,Suede均忙于巡回欧洲、美国还有日本的演唱会行程、在 Glastonbury 的音乐节担任首席嘉宾,以及在英国境内一连串门票皆被销售一空的演唱会。1994年2月14日情人节当天,他们发行了单曲唱片「Stay Together」,创作意念完整,共分四节,全长8分钟,是张内容多变绚烂的经典唱片,不禁让人质疑,他们的下一张作品和这张唱片相较之下,是否会相形失色。这首单曲轻易地受到「NME」杂志及「Melody Maker」杂志的青睐,获选为当周****单曲;「NME」杂志认为这首单曲「充满强烈的企图心、多变的风格及令人难以抗拒的魅力,这些都让其它的歌曲受到的注意彷佛昙花一现般地短暂。就像所有的伟大事物一样,美得让人屏息。」「Stay Together」登上排行榜第三名,也使 Suede正式迈向新的里程碑。
      两个月后,Suede回到 Master Rock 录音室,与制作人 Ed Buller 合作,开始灌录他们的第二张专辑「Dog Man Star犬人星」;这张专辑被誉为十年来最优的专辑之一。这张旷世钜作,不仅完全打破既有的创作模式,它也持续地感动了众人的心灵。
      在「Dog Man Star」这张专辑完成的同时,Suede正式和吉他手 Butler分道扬镳,他们吸收了另一位年仅17岁的吉他手 Richard Oakes --来自英格兰南方「多塞特郡」(Dreset)的 Poole地区。和报导 Butler的离团一样,音乐杂志也纷纷告知 Suede有新人加入的消息。之后 Suede在欧洲、美国、日本展开了一连串的演唱会,和新任吉他手 Richard 的配合默契十分良好。
      1996年出炉的专辑名称是「Coming Up呼之欲出」,这张由十首歌曲组成的专辑是 Suede 成军以来最棒的专辑。第一首单曲「Trash」全长四分钟,可说是流行乐的经典之作;他们百分之百的浪漫,批判狂热度也是绝无仅有的。Suede 从没有像现今这般受欢迎,这么名气响亮,表现得如此优秀,受到如此为数众多的推崇。或许他们的音乐有点奇怪,然而不可否认地,他们受到大家的爱戴。
      Suede的「Coming Up」专辑的录制时间,从1995年12月,一直到1996年5月才结束。专辑由 Ed Buller 制作,录制地点分布于伦敦周围的数间录音室,最后的混音工程则在Dave Bascombe手中,于 Whitfield Street录音间完成。在发行了「Suede」及「Dog Man Star」两张水准之上的专辑后,Suede 能获得如此高的评价,并不难想象(「Guardian 」杂志曾经评选出有史以来100张****专辑,其中90年代只有4张专辑入榜,「Dog Man Star 」就是其中之一),而他们在「Coming Up」专辑中的杰出表现也是倍受赞扬,在全英专辑榜雄踞亚军席次。Richard Oakes如今已是一名杰出的艺人,而 Brett Anderson 的才华,无人可及;至于 Neil Codling 未来是否可以与 Brett相抗衡,也请拭目以待了。这张产生了五首全英Top 10歌曲的专辑「Coming Up」已臻完美之境,它成为流行乐界试图超越的新标竿。
      1997年入秋之际,Suede为等待他们新作品许久的歌迷们先行暖身发行了一套两张的CD,这套名为「Sci-Fi Lullabies」(科幻摇篮曲-B-SIDE作品精选)的专辑,顾名思义是汇 整了过去五年来,Suede所出版过的13张单曲中的B-Side歌曲(不包括现场演唱版本)。其中汇集了亦是Suedemania心目中经典抒情曲之一的「My Insatiable One」...27首所有Suedemania均耳熟能详的乐章,每一首作品都是出自Suede团员手笔的完美佳构,绝对没有滥竽充数的粗劣作品。
      经过一年半的养精蓄锐,Suede自1998年中开始为新专辑「Head Music头号酷乐」进行录制工作。在这张该团的第四张完整长度专辑里,Suede开展出与之前不同的合作关系,他们这次不再和一向的共同制作Ed Buller共事,转而与Perfecto的核心主脑、早期Happy Mondays经典作品的大功臣Steve Osborne合作。主唱Brett Anderson表示,在「Coming Up」专辑之后,他想要做一张感情成份比较不那么重的专辑,就某种角度来说,也就是比较诚实而直接的作品,因为有时候感情用事会使得事实的某些部份被掩盖掉。不过不要误以为这是一张晦涩难懂的专辑,「Head Music」里的音乐会火热地烧入你的脑际;当然,比起「Coming Up」专辑来,本张专辑显得较为冷静,但它呈现出更具渴求感、更为忿忿不平的感觉,它呈现出1999年的现代摇滚乐团所该有的声音:一种炽热燃烧、绝对不会在地球上的另一处角落、另一个时间所制造出来的声音?
      贝司手Mat Osman曾说过Suede的成员是在「Coming Up」专辑录制完成后,才真正地成为一个团体。照这样的说法,「Head Music」专辑就可说是Suede以新阵容重新出发后的首张佳作,是一张乐团至今最难以归类的专辑,但也可能是进入千禧年前你能听到的最具现代感的专辑。这张专辑首周进榜即获全英季军,足见它也获得了大众的认同。 「这就像现代艺术,」Brett如此说道。「一幅很棒的现代艺术作品通常都是出自由极少笔划即勾勒出整幅作品的画家之手。这就是我想要做到的。用最不矫饰的低调手法表达我的感受。」
      虽然「Head Music」成为一张冠军专辑而缔造Suede的另一生涯高峰,但接踵而至的种种事件却让Suede的未来显得是那么地不确定,阵中深受乐迷喜爱的键盘手Neil Codling毅然离团,乐团与专属会计师对簿公堂,对已灌录好的整张专辑感到厌恶而舍弃重头来过…;最终Suede仍旧历时一年闭关完成2002年的最新作品「A New Morning清新早晨」。已摆脱药物过着新生活的灵魂人物Brett Anderson表示专辑之所以命名为「A New Morning」,亦象征着此作正是乐团的另一个全新开始。
      除了乐团编制经过小幅更动而网罗前Britpop乐团Strangelove成员Alex Lee入替Neil Codling之外,更重要的是「A New Morning」在Stephen Street(Blur、The Smiths)这位Britpop全盛时期金牌监制主力制作下,不仅贝斯手Mat形容此作是更为温暖与简单(专辑曾一度命名为「Instant Sunshine」),同时也已让人预料到「A New Morning」会重拾Suede昔日吉他流行曲基本步而舍弃Head Music的电气化实验风格。
Animal Lover
Beautiful Ones
Everything Will Flow
Black Or Blue
The Next Life
Dog Man Star
Coming Up
Head Music
Sci-Fi Lullabies
      Suede(山羊皮)乐队。Suede 乐队 1989 年组建于英国伦敦。在大多数人看来,他们至多只能出一张专辑,而就在他们这几年的巨大成功中,才能非凡的两位吉他手和 Justine Frischmann 证明了这种看法是错误的。
      主唱 Brett Anderson 成长于海沃德的苏塞克斯小镇,在那里他经历了 80 年代的少年混乱朋克时期----Daivid Bowie 和 The Smith 的音乐对他产生的困惑。 80 年代未期,他来到伦敦,决定与他的老朋友即后来的贝司手 Mat Osman 组建一支乐队。通过《新音乐快讯》的广告,他们招募到一位才华出众的年轻吉他手 Simon Gilbert, Anderson 后来的女朋友 Justine Frischmann 加入了第二把吉他,并为乐队带来了 Suede 这个名字,但不久后她转入了 Elastica 乐队。Suede 最初还看不出有什么前途。经过 1 年的演出实践,不断树立信心,1992 年终于有了成功的迹象。乐队与 Nude 公司签订了一张专辑的合同,紧跟着音乐媒体便声称:他们将会是"下一件大事"而 Anderson 在提到这件事时则声称"我是一个没有体验过同性恋的双性恋者"。
      当他们推出作品时,乐队的实力连同新闻界的预言都被证实了。 1992 年的《The Drowners》是一首充满激情的热门经典,它以吉他的碾磨声开始,到结尾渐渐消失,这首销魂的歌也许是他们最好的单曲,受到 Morrissey 的青睐,并在自己的表演中翻唱它。 9 月的单曲《Metal Mickey》又是一个轰动,乐队善于在短暂的现场中掀起高潮,被《新音乐快讯》描述为"魅力摇滚的复兴"。 1993 年第 3 首单曲《Animal Nitrate》推出不久,专辑《Suede》于 5 月问世。不论是评论界还是商业界,它都获得了巨大的成功,成为英国排行榜的冠军,其中包括第 4 首单曲《So ng》,其他歌曲也都是上乘之作,最后赢得了 1993 年 Mercury 音乐奖。
      专辑推出后是例行的英国巡演,1994 年 2 月,《Stay Together》推出,这是一首 8分钟长的乐队最富野心的歌。在现场中,它一反卖弄的风格,看来只是在台上跑来跑去并不是乐队愿意去做的事。《Stay Together》登上排行榜的第 3名,而这首歌带来了乐队的第 2 张专辑。
      《Dog Man Star》于 10 月问世,并大大超越了当初的期望。以一首近于迷幻的曲子《Introducing the Band》为开始,整张专辑变化丰富、充满刺激,与第 1 张大不一样,并以最后一曲 40 人组乐团制作的《Still Life》使整张专辑达到了顶点。只有《The Asphalt World》显得过于纵容了。但是,《Dog Man Star》并不如上一张专辑的销量好。
      Suede 很讨厌别人把自己和正如日中天的 Blur、Oasis 相比较。在录制《Dog Man Star》这张专辑的时候,Bernard Butler 离开了乐队,另组 McAlmont & Butler 乐队,代替他的是只有 17 岁的 Richard Oakes。尽管有人怀疑 Anderson 是把他当做"天真女郎"来看待,但 Oakes 在现场表演和 1995 年单曲《New Generation》中迅速地证明了自己的实力。
      1996 年,乐队加入了一个新成员:键盘手 Neil Codling。 9 月,乐队的第 3 张专辑《Coming Up》出版,专辑中产生了几首意想不到的热门歌曲《Trash》、《Beautiful Ones》和《Saturday Night》。《Coming Up》在欧洲、加拿大和亚洲都十分受欢迎,但该专辑直到 1997 年春天才在美国出版。
代 表 作: Beautiful Ones、Lost In TV、We Are the Pigs、Electricity、Metal Mickey
奖 项: 1993年七月成为英国最受欢迎的乐队,秋天乐队获得Mercury的****专辑奖
主唱:Brett Anderson
身高:6' (约183cm)
抽的烟的牌子:benson & hedges
宠物猫的名字:fluffington 和sphinx
他所拥有的第一张单曲:wuthering heights - Kate Bush
第一张专辑:nevermind the bollocks - Sex Pistols
最喜欢的无酒精饮料:earl gray tea
含酒精饮料:wine (cabernet sauvignon red)
最喜欢的一句话:"pale blinds drawn on day/nothing to do, nothing to say"-David Bowie
最喜欢的一句insult:Piss up a rope
最喜欢的足球队:ipswich town
所有suede团员最喜欢的电影:1996年发行的Toy Story (玩具总动员)
觉得最糟的电影:Seven (布莱德彼特的火线追缉令)
Brett在看"Romeo and Juliet″(是李奥那多主演的那一部)时哭了
在Dog Man Star中最喜欢的歌:
The Wild Ones
Coming Up:Picnic by The Motorway
Head Music:Savoir Faire
最喜欢哪一个笑话:Sorry, no sense of humor
最喜欢的辣妹(Spice Girls)成员:They`re all shit .
一般大众对你最常见的误解是?I'm a talentless dwarf .
Brett最希望是他所写的歌是:Across The Universe (Beatles)
Brett希望他从未写过的歌曲是:Stay Together
      suede的主唱、词曲创作者以及首领。本名Brett Lewis Anderson,1967年September 29th出生于Haywards Heath—一个介于London 及Brighton.间的小镇,Brett曾经形容它是:一个暗藏着暴力的可怕地方。—他曾像其它孩子一样加入帮派,不过后来退出了。他的父亲是位出租车司机,而母亲则是一位不成功的艺术家;多年后死于癌症。Brett从未学开车,因为他害怕将来和他父亲一样当出租车司机。Brett有一个姊姊,Blandina,"她很漂亮,和我一点也不像。″Brett说道。他姊姊在16岁时就搬出去住了。1986年,Brett和Mat搬到伦敦去,Mat就读于LSE(London School ofEconomics)而Brett则在Manchester的大学学习城镇与国家设计(Town&CountryPlanning),两个月后退学。Brett留在Manchester以担任DJ维生,"那是一间很破的小pub,时常会有人打断我,并且要求点Spandau Ballet的`True′,我拒绝了!这时就会有一堆酒瓶砸向我。″ 接下来那一年,他搬到伦敦,就读于Bartlett School,part of UniversityCollege,学习城镇与国家设计(Town&Country Planning),Brett 在数学、物理、化学三个C他就是在这里遇到Justine Firschmann。Justine 的父亲是一名建筑师及营造师,曾经建造了Centre Point, 一栋座落在 London中央的摩天大楼。Justine曾有一段时间是suede的吉他手,目前是Elastica的主唱。现在,Brett和她的女朋友Samantha (Sam)住在Ladbrok Grove in Highgate ,London。Brett曾写了一首歌曲Sam给他的女朋友;收在`Beautiful One′这支单曲的B-side中。Brett写了suede的大部分的歌曲,他最喜欢由`S′开头的字,例如`Sam′` Sadie′ `She′ sexual and savage. Brett在舞台上表演时,很喜欢旋转麦克风线,据说Richard曾经因此被麦克风打到送去医院。平常会听Sheryl Crow 和REM的歌,且是early springsteen, Kate Bush, and Prince的歌迷,有时候还会听听Snoopy Doggy Dog的歌。他是一个素食者,不过对香菇是过敏的。Blur曾经写了一首歌曲"Charmless Man″来形容Brett,对于Brett,DamonAlbern(blur)说道:"我讨厌毒品,而我知道Brett Anderson有在使用heroin。″Brett在压力之下戒掉了,并宣称他对针有恐惧。在1999年3月于Norwegian TV的一个电视访问中,Brett说道:"毒品是有害的,我再也不使用他们了。毒品是给失败者的,我承认我曾经嗑过药,但是现在都过去了。″
吉他:Richard Oakes
本名Richard John Oakes,1976年10月1日出生于Perivale,West London,后来和父母、大姊Kate、小弟Stephan和一只猫住在Poole,Dorset。Richard姊姊的那把old Spanish guitar引领他进入吉他的世界中。He started with he A chord,3 months later,he got heavily into the Clash.之后他曾经去上了一些吉他课,但是据他自己说,大部分他的吉他技巧都是自修来的。而这一切距离他加入suede不过是三年的时间。1994年,当suede的第二张专辑`Dog Man Star′还在制作阶段,吉他手Bernard Butler宣布离开这个乐团,并留下一首未完成作品(The Power,后来Brett完成吉他部分。Richard看到这个消息,提笔写了一封信到Suede Fan Club去,并附了一些suede的歌曲的demo还有一些他当时自组的乐团 TED′的歌曲。这封信的内容实在是非常非常的酷!: "I know Ican do you good, I`ll be a real plus for you″"Take me or Leave me″,还写道"I`m the greatest living guitar prodigy and I`m only 14!″事实上,他那时候是已经17、18岁了,在学校成绩是A咧!Richard很快就被邀请去第一次的试演,他表演了`Heroine′和其它两首歌曲。回家后,他告诉他家那只猫说:"我得到这个工作了!我知道我会得到的″(当时他的父母出去旅游了)在参加了第二次的试演后,(在这次试演中,Richard用钢琴弹奏了`The 2 of Us′,Simon把他拍下来)他受邀加入这个乐团。在回家和妈妈商量,(他妈妈在之前曾在TOTP看过Brett而且一直都不是很喜欢他,Richie 说 :"她知道他是谁,每次在电视上看到他就会大叫'oh!no !not him again!")他们讨论了他在学校的好成绩而那是他必需放弃的,但他的父母和他都知道这是Richard 的机会,于是,在短暂的讨论后, Richard 就打电话给 Brett 说他愿意加入.之后他就从大学退学,告诉学校他下学期不会来了。 并且搬到伦敦开始为Dog Man Star巡回演唱做准备。为何选Richard ? Brett 说道 : " 和他一起坐下来听他演奏曲子 , 我完全没有任何怀疑 ,他就是我们要找的人 . 我们只举行 5 次试演 .但Richard并非应征我们登在Melody Maker 的广告而来的 . 我们收到的回函有500多封~,其中490封是很....*&^的,10封是还可以的, 其中的 5 个是很好的 , 而只有一个是惊人的好的.""他可以像个魔鬼般地演奏,真的他可以. 他可以写 , 写得很好 , 而且他并不只是组过 rock band . 他还有加入过Jazz bands且他对音乐的感受性是非常广范的,这就是我一直想要探索的--改变 suede的声音对我很重要 ."在1994年9月17日正式宣布成为suede的新团员。一周后他和suede一起出现在TOTP。他的第一场现场演唱会是在1994年10月7日,在London`sRaw Club。1995年1月,suede的单曲`New Generation′发行,而其B-Side中的`Together′`BentswoodBoys′是最初的Anderson和Oakes合写的歌曲喔!
吉他:Justine Frischmann
贝司:Mat Osman
现居:White City, London
宠物:两只猫;Jack and Tony
最喜欢的电视节目:the Simpsons
最喜欢的歌手:Kate Bush
最喜欢的 insult: Twat / You rancourous coiffured old sow
在你的的前半生你是:Osman II The Lunatic King of Turkey
已达到的人生目标:Meeting Mark Owen!
还未达成的人生目标:to beat anyone in Suede at cards
最喜欢的辣妹成员:The dead one with the penis
周六夜晚最令你高兴的事:Sunday off
大众对你****的误解是:That I`m in Suede
Tell us a secret:I`m 3'6"
来自歌迷的礼物中最奇怪的是:No one sends me anything
Thought for the day:Never eat anything bigger that your head
你希望是你所写的歌曲是:Brass Buttons (Gram Parson)
你希望从未写过的歌曲是:Europe is Our Playground
你希望在你的墓志铭上写什么呢:I told you I was ill!
本名Mathew David Osman,1967年10月9日出生于Welwyn Garden City UK,后来搬到Haywards Heath,并在中学时遇到Brett Anderson,两人组成一个叫`Geoff ′的双人组开始玩音乐,后来更名为Suave And Elegant。1986年Mat和Brett搬到伦敦去,并加入Justine
Frischman做为他们的吉他手。后来他们又登广告征求另一位吉他手,Bernard Butler看到广告来应征,后来加入了他们。Mat对于Bernard来应征这件事曾说:"Bernard fitted straight away, you virtually know within 15 seconds if someone's right.″后来当他们找到Simon,并且在Justine Frischman离开后,正式组成suede。而Mat对于Justine的离开曾经这么说:"We weren't any good till we kicked her out″ 然后他们就开始做些表演啦,并且曾被Melody Maker选为英国****新进乐团。就这样,开始了suede的故事…..。Mat曾经在1996年和Brett Anderson一起写了`Europe Is Our Playground′作为`trash′的B-Side,当他被问到是否会再和Brett一起写歌的时候,Mat说道:"No, it took me 29 years to write that one ...″
键盘:Neil Codling
Fav. Insult? Why don`t U fuck off!
周六夜晚最让你开心的事:Bruce Forsythe on TV
已达成的人生目标:Learning to high jump!
歌迷寄来的礼物中最奇怪的是:Padded Handcuffs
在你的墓志铭上你会希望写些什么?Here lies Neil Codling - He`s dead suede的键盘手,合音及词曲创作者。
本名Neil John Codling,1973年12月5日出生于Stratford Upon Avon。Neil来自一个很有钱的家庭,他就读于King Edward V school,在1992年10月时离开到Hull的一所大学学习英文与戏剧(English and Drama)。He graduated with a 2:1他有一个哥哥叫做Paul,还有一个表哥,Simon。也因为如此,所以他总是在suede的练习室里面晃来晃去的,并且获准参观他们录制专辑等等。他一直是suede的大歌迷。在加入suede前,Neil是从事模特儿的工作。一天当他送衣服给Simon时,刚好suede正在练习,而Brett问他:"你会弹钢琴吗?″"会ㄚ会ㄚ!″他点点头并加入即席演奏,之后,他就这么自然的成为他们的一员了。他第一次公开出现是1996年1月27日在Hanover Grand的表演。Neil曾经说过身处这样的乐团是一件很艰难却又令人兴奋的事,当然也是一件很有趣的事。因为所有的团员都很喜欢丹麦,所以他们的演唱会都是从那里开始的。"Starcrazy″这首歌是在他2-day fasts,后花了三小时写出来的,这首歌的demo几乎和后来的成品一样好。而在`Lazy′B-side中的`Digging A Hole′及`Electricity′B-side中的`Waterloo′皆是由他主唱。"Neil is the best cricket player in the band, he`s also the best smoker,″saids Brett
鼓:Simon Gilbet 1965年5月23号出生于Stratford Upon Avon,是最年长的suede团员。他有一个姊姊Sarah,两个表弟,Paul和Neil Codling
1993年 (山羊皮)
1994年 (狗 人 星)
1996年 (呼之欲出)
“山羊皮”乐队组建于1989年的英国伦敦。主唱布雷特·安德森(Brett Anderson)成长于海沃德的苏塞克斯小镇,在那里他经历了压抑混乱的少年时期。80年代末,他来到伦敦,决定与老朋友、贝司手马特·奥斯曼(Mat Osman)组建一支乐队。他们通过《新音乐快讯》的广告,招募到了吉他手伯纳德·巴特勒、鼓手西蒙·吉尔伯特(Simon Gilbert)。1992年,推出了单曲《溺水者》(The Drowners),同年9月又推出了单曲《金属米基》(Metal Mickey)。1993年第3首单曲《动物硝酸盐》(Animal Nitrate)推出。同名专辑《山羊皮》于当年5月问世。并最终赢得了9 “山羊皮”乐队组建于1989年的英国伦敦。主唱布雷特·安德森(Brett Anderson)成长于海沃德的苏塞克斯小镇,在那里他经历了压抑混乱的少年时期。80年代末,他来到伦敦,决定与老朋友、贝司手马特·奥斯曼(Mat Osman)组建一支乐队。他们通过《新音乐快讯》的广告,招募到了吉他手伯纳德·巴特勒、鼓手西蒙·吉尔伯特(Simon Gilbert)。1992年,推出了单曲《溺水者》(The Drowners),同年9月又推出了单曲《金属米基》(Metal Mickey)。1993年第3首单曲《动物硝酸盐》(Animal Nitrate)推出。同名专辑《山羊皮》于当年5月问世。并最终赢得了93年的Mercury音乐奖。专辑推出后乐队进行了英国巡演。94年2月,单曲《待在一起》(Stay Together)推出。《狗·人·星》(Dog Man Star)于10月问世,在录制《狗·人·星》这张专辑的时候,伯纳德·巴特勒离开乐队,另组“麦卡尔蒙特与巴特勒”(McAlmont &Butler)代替他的是17岁的吉他手理查德·奥克斯(Richard Oakes)。1996年,乐队加入了键盘手尼尔·科德林(Neil Codling)。96年9月,乐队的第3张专辑《呼之欲出》(Coming up)出版。
      Suede (or The London Suede in the United States) were an English rock band of the 1990s and the early 2000s that helped start the Britpop musical movement. Through their several incarnations, they were able to consistently put out albums that charted well, while still holding the respect of critics. Though they never achieved great success in North America, they were considered to be one of the most successful British rock bands of the 90s.[1] In 1993, Suede won the Mercury Prize.
      (1989–1992) Early history
      Suede were formed in London in 1989 by bassist Mat Osman, singer Brett Anderson and his then girlfriend, Justine Frischmann, on rhythm guitar. They soon added guitarist Bernard Butler who was recruited through an advertisement in Melody Maker and used a drum machine as percussion. Suede were signed to RML Records, a label from Brighton. Comedian Ricky Gervais managed the band for a brief period before they were signed to a record label. With Mike Joyce (formerly of The Smiths) famously filling in as drummer, Suede's first record "Be My God"/"Art", was printed but never released due to a dispute with the label. The few surviving records out of a batch of 2000 are considered amongst the rarest of Suede collectibles. Simon Gilbert soon replaced the drum machine and Suede signed to Nude Records. Though still living with Anderson, Frischmann was ejected from the band around this time because of her failure to attend rehearsals.
      The band's first single "The Drowners" was released amid an alternative media frenzy that began before the band had released any music. The band was featured on the cover of Melody Maker, which proclaimed them as "the best new band in Britain" prior to an official release. Melody Maker, under the editorship of Allan Jones, had been promoting the band heavily for some time, arguably reacting quicker in identifying Suede as an exciting find than longstanding rival NME. The debut single attracted so much excitement because of its sharp contrast to the dying Madchester scene and the U.S. grunge sound of the time.[2] Suede were further distinguished from their contemporaries by Anderson's flamboyant looks and unique vocals, combined with Butler's melodic guitar playing. Surprisingly, given the amount of press exposure the band had received, "The Drowners" – featuring two B-sides in "My Insatiable One" and "To the Birds" – was only a moderate hit. Two follow-up singles hit the UK Top 20: "Metal Mickey" and "Animal Nitrate".
      (1993–1997) Britpop and Cool Britannia
      Their first album Suede became the fastest-selling debut since Frankie Goes to Hollywood's Welcome To the Pleasuredome and it was catapulted onto the charts after a performance on the 1993 BRIT Awards. Featuring heavily-layered production by Ed Buller, the album showed influences from indie rock band The Smiths and David Bowie and other glam rockers which were filtered and blended to create a trademark sound. Their American success was limited, despite securing a tour slot with the Cranberries, who had support from MTV. Moreover, a lounge singer's lawsuit forced the band to stop using the trademarked American name "Suede" (a fate also suffered by fellow U.K. band The Charlatans/The Charlatans UK). For the North American market, the band released all of their future albums under the moniker The London Suede. Anderson wasn't happy about having to change the group's name in the U.S., as he stated: "The London Suede is not the name I chose for the band, I didn't change it happily, and I'm not going to pretend I did."[3]
      Some possible factors cited to explain the band's lack of U.S. success are their quasi-androgynous look and distinct British sound, both of which might have alienated North American audiences. Despite this, the band retained a cult following in the U.S., which was evident by their first four studio albums charting on Billboard's Heatseekers charts,[4] and by Sony feeling it was worthwhile to release the double-album Sci-Fi Lullabies in the States.[5] Following the release of their debut album, the band began work on their highly anticipated follow up single and album in late 1993 and much of 1994. The hectic schedule the band was facing hinted the problems that were soon to come. In February of 1994, the band released the single "Stay Together", which garnered critical praise, also became their highest charting at the time, reaching number three. Despite their growing profile, tensions within the band mounted as they began working on the second album. Anderson and Butler fought constantly; a major issue was the production of the album (again done by Ed Buller). Things reached a head when Bernard Butler quit the band in the middle of the recording sessions, leaving behind tapes containing his ideas for the songs that had been written. The remainder of the guitar work on the album was completed by studio musicians or Brett Anderson.
      When Dog Man Star (1994) finally appeared, its sales were generally sluggish, though the album was praised by critics. The record was vastly different-sounding than the band's debut. It featured a spacious sound that was fleshed out by strings and a horn section. While Blur's Parklife and Oasis' Definitely Maybe were fighting for pop supremacy, Suede explored darker territory. The vacant guitar chair was soon filled by 17 year-old guitarist Richard Oakes (initially nicknamed by the U.K. music press as "Little Dickie") before an international tour to promote the album. Many critics and fans alike had their doubts about the ability of the band to move on without Butler, who was an integral part of the band's songwriting. The band broadened their sound with a keyboardist and backing vocalist Neil Codling for their third album, Coming Up (1996). The first single from the album, "Trash" was popular and tied with "Stay Together" as the group's highest charting U.K. single, reaching number three, which helped to make the album their biggest mainstream success.
      The album was a hit throughout Europe, Asia and Canada, but still not in the U.S. It did, however, answer the critics who questioned whether Anderson and company could produce another hit without Butler. Suede had again changed sound drastically; Coming Up featured more of a glam-tinted pop/rock sound, as opposed to the darker elements of the previous albums. Reviews were again mixed, but the album topped the U.K. chart and became the band's biggest-selling release. The band was finally getting the mass video and radio play that they lacked during the Dog Man Star period and in many ways fulfilling the hype that characterized much of their early career. The album brought the band five straight top-10 singles. The band's next venture was a collection of B-sides and rarities entitled Sci-Fi Lullabies, which reached #9 on the U.K. chart.
       (1998–2003) Late history and "The End"
      By the time the compilation was released in 1997, though, the Britpop movement was noticeably waning in popularity, and the band had decided to split with long-time producer Ed Buller before commencing work on their follow up to Coming Up. Before focusing work on their next album, the group recorded a version of "Poor Little Rich Girl" for the Twentieth-Century Blues: The Songs of Noel Coward in 1998. Despite being backed by the popular lead single "Electricity", Suede's fourth album, Head Music (1999) was something of a critical disappointment, though it once again took the band to number one on the album charts. A synth-infused album that focused less on guitar riffs and more on keyboards, it was produced by Steve Osborne, who had worked with Happy Mondays and New Order. Critical opinion was sharply divided; many felt the record was too shallow and lacking in substance, while others thought the album was the group again taking a different direction and charting new territory.
      The next three singles released from the album failed to crack the top 10, breaking a run stretching back to 1995's "New Generation". The b-sides for the singles were also arguably not up to par with their usual standard, which hinted at the drying up of the creative well. Anderson also began being criticized more by fans for his often use of redundant vocabulary and limited lyrical themes. Despite this, even with their drop in mainstream popularity, the band still maintained a large core group of fans. Not long after the release of Head Music, Nude Records effectively ceased to exist. Like many of their labelmates, Suede ended up signing to Nude's parent company/distributor Sony to record their fifth album, A New Morning (2002). The long and troubled gestation of the album saw keyboardist Neil Codling leave the band, citing chronic fatigue syndrome, to be replaced by long-time band associate Alex Lee, formerly of Strangelove.[6]
      In concerts, Lee played second guitar, as well as keyboards, backing vocals and, at one point, harmonica. The album title, according to Anderson, referred to "a fresh start, a new band and a new fresh outlook" – the singer had reportedly been addicted to heroin and crack cocaine for a number of years by this time, which was having an increasingly deleterious effect on his health. He was quoted at the time as saying "we've all cleaned up our drug problems ... which is nice." Despite the rejuvenation of the group's health, the album was a commercial disappointment which failed to crack the top 20, and ultimately was never released in the U.S.[7] Although the group began work with Tony Hoffer producing,[8] the album was produced by "big name" Britpop producers John Leckie (who famously produced The Stone Roses' debut LP, as well as records for Radiohead and Muse) and Stephen Street (most famous for his work with The Smiths and Blur), A New Morning was considered a solid enough outing by fans of the band, but critical reaction was decidedly lukewarm and the mainstream public interest had long disappeared. Only two singles, "Positivity" and "Obsessions," were released from the album, the fewest singles taken from any of the band's albums, and neither charted particularly well.
      In Autumn 2003, after the release of their Singles compilation album and accompanying single "Attitude", Suede played five nights at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts, dedicating each night to one of their five albums and playing through an entire album a night[9] – with B-sides and rarities as encores – in chronological order. After these shows, the band announced there would be no more projects under the Suede name for the foreseeable future – effectively announcing the end of the band, as they stated on their website: "There will not be a new studio album until the band feel that the moment is artistically right to make one."[10] Their last concert at London's Astoria on December 13, 2003 was a two-and-a-half hour marathon show, split into two parts (plus encore) with the first part being "songs we want to play". Brett made an announcement that "there will be another Suede album" to everyone's delight, but added "...but not yet."[11] "See you in the next life" was their closing remark.
       (2004–present) Post-break activity
      In May 2004 Anderson confirmed rumours that he and original Suede guitarist Bernard Butler were working together again – they had written 15 songs and were putting together a band, The Tears, who have since released their debut album Here Come the Tears, to critical acclaim and with moderate commercial success, though a follow-up seems a distant possibility with Anderson investing time in his solo career and the band officially on hiatus. To date, Anderson has released two solo albums, self-titled solo album in February 2007 and Wilderness in 2008.
      Alex Lee played a short set with former Strangelove band-mate Patrick Duff at the Tsunami Appeal Gig at the Bristol Carling Academy on Saturday 19th February and toured with him. Lee produced the Patrick Duff album "Luxury Problems". He now plays guitar and keyboard with Placebo and Goldfrapp. Neil Codling has toured as keyboardist for pop singer Natalie Imbruglia and has played as a duo called Barry O'Niel comprising him and Harriet Cawley and live for Brett Anderson. Gilbert is currently the drummer for international band Futon, based in Bangkok, Thailand while Osman plays for the U.K. rock band Mista Brown and live for Brett Anderson.
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